Now there is no need to struggle with getting heavy sacks of compost from your garden centre when you can simply order one of these compact coir blocks.
Supplied ad 5kg blocks they will hydrate to be 60 litres of coir based growing medium.
Easy to use simply break off a small amount or place the full 5kg block into a large tub, wheelbarrow, tough plastic sack/bin bag, add water and let it soak. Within an hour it will have soaked up the water and grown to approx. 6 times its volume. Break it up as it expands. Add more water if necessary so that it all gets evenly moistened (it will need approx. 18 litres of water to fully hydrate). When finished, it should be wet but springy, like a wrung-out sponge.
Once hydrated it's ready to use in seed trays, pots, planters and hanging baskets. After 2-3 months use your choice of plant food or slow release fertiliser to sustain plants for up to 6 months.
Don't over water - although the surface of the containers may appear dry, coir holds water well at root level. We recommend using once of our Light and Moisture Meters to test the coir need the roots helping you to know when to water.
Don't over water - although the surface of the containers may appear dry, coir holds water well at root level. We recommend using once of our Light and Moisture Meters to test the coir need the roots helping you to know when to water.